How does a trip with 60 highschool kids, on a bus for over 12 hours (each way), camping in "roughin' it" conditions, and building houses for needy families sound? It sounds like Spring Break baby! And that is where we are headed in just a few short hours!
We are a Young Life group headed down to Mexico to build 3 houses this week. This will be a first trip for me, as I have never done this particular thing before. Usually it is Club and Camp and all the other fun stuff. I have to say, though, that I am more excited about this than anything we have headed off to do so far.
What does this have to do with knitting? Not too much. I do have a Silk Shrug I am taking for the bus ride. It is a simple mindless pattern with no fancy anything. I can pick it up and put it down at the drop of the hat, or whatever it is that a teen can do to make you put something down and run to them....The other cool thing is that I can teach whoever wants to learn. We will have a knitting circle at the back of the bus for as many that care to participate.
Send your thoughts and prayers our way this week! We will certainly need and appreciate it!
Happy Easter! He is Risen indeed!
I hope you have a fiber filled summer!
15 years ago